Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Making a Change

I stood and watched by the fourth-floor UCONN library window as hundreds of students rioted in celebration of Barack Obama's presidential victory. Their dances and cheers were expressions of their expectations for change; a change that they believe Barack Obama will make for our country. They believe that his presidency will have a significant positive impact on their lives. And so, watching the riot helped me verify my desire to choose a career path in which I also have a positive impact on the lives of other people. Do I need people jumping up and down in the streets over me? It would be nice. But just having a job in which people depend on me in order to live their lives the way they would like would be enough. I want to feel useful. These are some of the reasons why I have chosen to enter the medical field. Whether I make it to medical school or decide to become a physician's assistant, I believe that I will achieve the amount of job satisfaction that I am looking for in the workplace.

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